Whew, I'm finally done! DONE!. It started with just 200 invites, then they up it to 250. Can you believe it I did 250 of those invites.... Would I do something like this again, hum I think if I had some help yeah! Wow, I started first thing this past Saturday morning, cutting all those CS in half 5 1/2 by 8 then I had to cut the metallic gray CS 4 x 5 1/4 for the front... Okay so my cutterpede straight edge trimmer took a beaten, Wait, now it was running copies of the truck image. Someone drew the image so all I had to do was figure it out
and run the copies so when I punch it out it would be all centered.... So with calculations and measurements I had to put 12 images per sheet... THEN~ now we are talking Saturday afternoon, I had to color each and everyone of those truck images yes, 250 of them. It was Saturday night and I only finished 40 of those coloring... Now its Sunday morning, I back in my craft room scratching my head and thinking gee I still have 210 more to color oh boy it's going to take me all Sunday... Yes, it took me all Sunday until 9:00 pm that night... In between I had to take several breaks and pay some attention to my poor HB.
Now we are talking Monday, got up early again and started to punch 250 each on the round and then another 250 scallop for the back of it a total of 500 punches... Yes my right palm of my hand is bruised..., now mind you after all that was done, it was time to bust out my Big Shot and embossed the metallic grey CS with the Diamond Plate.. Oh my, I thought I would never reach the ending of that stack. It's already Monday afternoon and I had to type up the sentiment, yikes another 250 then I had to cut and tape onto black CS... Of course in between all of this going onI still had to do my chores and cook for my poor hubby...Now we are talking Monday evening, it's putting on the embossing CS and tacking it on the front of the invites....Went to bed at 10:30 pm - I'm pooped....
Got up at 4:00 am this morning, needed to make my hubby 's lunch pack for work, he had to be at work 5:00 am this morning.. Okay so after he was off to work, went back into my craft room and just went like a machine and started to put pop up dots on the front image and on the sentiments,it took the better part of the morning up until exactly 3:00 pm I was finally all done, done done! It is boxed up and ready to be delivered tomorrow.... Hooray!
So this is how it all started:
250 each of the Red and Gray! |
I know I missed alot of everyone's recent postings, I will try to catch up with my comments to you later this evening... I hope I still have the energy to get something posted by tomorrow or so....I spent three whole days/nights working on this project and I just wanted to get it out of the way.... So please bare with me!
Thanks for stopping and peeping in...
Will be back later after I figure out what I will be creating for my card .
Hugs to you all - I missed everyone......