Thursday, October 8, 2015

I'm a Guest Designer today~

Hello peeps~
I was jumping for joy and doing the happy dance when I was asked to be  a guest designer over at Morgan's Artworld today!  The theme for this challenge is Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness!   And here is the digital image I chose for this spot today over at Morgan's Artworld.  And when you do have a chance please browse her shop she has some awesome images to choose from.... Thank you so much for this opportunity Morgan~

Wow - isn't she gorgeous!  
Thanks for having me as a Guest Designer today....


  1. Congratulations, Shirl! They are so blessed to have you. Your card is gorgeous, so beautifully showcasing the image. The colors are so pretty and I love the gorgeous flower in the corner. Wonderfully done as always, my friend! I hope you have a blessed weekend ahead. :o)

    Hugs and blessings,

  2. Love this card. She is simply beautiful with all those pink florals.

  3. What a gorgeous card! Love it!

  4. WOW stunning card and congrats on your GDT. Have a fabulous weekend.

  5. Simply beautiful Congrats on your GD spot.
    Have a blessed day,
    Crafting With Creative M

  6. congrats on guest designing.. this is amazing.. awesome coloring..

  7. Congrats Shirl! Such a beautiful card with awesome details!

  8. This is amazing Shirl. Thank you so much for joining us as Guest Designer for this challenge. Lisa DT Morgan's ArtWorld

  9. Hey Shirl, lovely creation. Glad to have you aboard as GD here at Morgan's Artworld. Love your creation.
    Lynn aka Lynnpenguin

  10. Congratulations on your guest design spot!! Wow, what a stunning image!! You colored it so beautifully!! I love, love this!! Have a great day :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts


Thanks for stopping by and leaving
me some sweet comments. Hope you
come back and visit me real soon.
Have a Blessed Day~

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