Sunday, April 1, 2018

A Birthday Card!

Happy April everyone~
It's Happy Easter, April Fool's Day, new day of the new Month what a awesome day it's been!   Hope what ever or where ever you went  was  a gorgeous day!
Well it's a quick post just to share a birthday card that I made for someone special.
I've got a big section of my craft table to start working on some upcoming occasion cards and to finish up more graduating orders.   So until then will hope to back toward the ending of the week or so!  LOL! As you can tell by the glare it was such a super duper hot day where I live on the island..    


  1. Beautiful. Love that little smail. Happy to hear you are busy with orders. Making money and having fun while doing so is always a good thing. Have a great day my friend.

  2. This is so gorgeous, Shirl!! I love the beautiful leaves!! The snail is too cute!! Love this, my friend!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  3. Shirl I love this, it's gorgeous.xx💖 [Aussie aNNie's Blog]

  4. A very lovely birthday card!! Wonderful job Shirl!!
    Have a wonderful day,
    Crafting with Creative M


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Have a Blessed Day~

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