Monday, March 10, 2014

Box it Up!

Quick post to share one of my projects that I'm working on from the Cricut cartridge- Box it Up !   I haven't decided how I'm going to finish decorating it yet, so this will be put on the side for now, LOL!  Love the cartridge because they have like (50) different style's of boxes, can't wait to start on the next one.... And if you noticed I even got my colors close to the the description in the booklet.

Thanks for stopping by - see you back here soon~


  1. Very pretty box and a nice size too!

  2. wow that is too awesome.. great job

  3. thought about this cart but looks like a lot of cutting this is pretty though hugs

  4. This is wonderful!! I absolutely LOVE it!
    Have a wonderful day,
    *Crafting With Creative M*

  5. It turned out fabulous. Looks like a fun cartridge to work with.

  6. This is beautiful, Shirl! I love the design. It's such a lovely size.. there is so much potential in terms of decorating! I can't wait to see how it turns out. :o) Wonderful project as always, my friend! Have a happy night. :o)

    Hugs and blessings,

  7. This is awesome, Shirl!! I love the design!! This looks like such a fun cart!! I can't wait to see what else you create with it!! Have a great evening :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  8. Hi Shirl, I'm sorry I don't get by your blog as much lately but you know I see everything on Facebook :) FB is so easy I love it :) but I wanted to stop in and tell you just how awesome this is and check out the details!
    Fabulous my friend!!!
    Have a great evening!

  9. Love the design shirl.I dont have a cricut though you are certainly tempting me to get one but lemme see if I can use my lattice die to make something similar in the mean time!! You are such an inspiration my dear friend!!

  10. looks AWESOME Shirl! I can not wait to see how you finish it!

  11. What a lovely box
    hugs Linda

  12. Love your Cricut creation! Very fancy!

  13. Super Duper GREAT!!!! You are such a talented and brilliant lady!!!!


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Have a Blessed Day~

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